Monday 4 July 2016

New Horizons

     New Horizons

Today mankind has made a tremendous leap.about 365 million miles at there closest kinda leap.
Seems like we just did a close flyby with Pluto. Data will be trickling in for years because of that. What makes this Juno probe so exciting is not the little Aluminum Lego figures though they do certainly provide a garnish to the whole project.

We put something in orbit around Jupiter. Our big gas ball that has captured our imagination for years. The red spot growing and fading, the red spot Jr. that paid a visit. What is going on underneath that hostile outer layer. What mysteries our waiting to turn are conventional minds upside down.

Over the next few years I am sure were going to learn a tremendous amount and be left with even more questions.

     As a boy I grew up with Star Wars and Star Trek where a journey around the solar system would have been nothing more then a quick jaunt around the block. The books I read made the universe seem so full of adventure and excitement. Now while those were just stories they still captured imaginations of millions. These are what we need to drive our race to a greater future . When we look inward were faced with countries isolating themselves, separating and building more barriers. These barriers serve to limit the human race like the dark ages more then help. We identify with labels for who we are. This person is gay, this person is lesbian. Or Muslim, black Hispanic and so many other labels I cant keep them all straight anymore.

Maybe the idea is to stop labeling ourselves into smaller groups and start labeling us all as humans, people of Earth. A race of people who by uniting together can conquer the stars and planets. These milestones like the Juno mission should remind each and every one of use that were not separated by borders, languages, religions and any other label we walk around with, but united by one big blue rock filled with an amazing civilization.

     Lets start looking outward to bigger adventures and stop holding the bus with so much separation. There are still many more planets our there we can be sending probes too. Many opportunities to even start our own space adventures out among our neighboring planets. If we can inspire and drive everyone to look beyond our little differences.

As always do not be afraid to challenge your mind!  

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