Tuesday 28 June 2016

Expectation of Privacy

Expectation of Privacy

So there was a court ruling I am sure everyone has heard about by now where a district court ruled the FBI hack did not require a warrant. The part that specifically has me put off is described in this excerpt from SC Magazines article

"The judge explained that IP address data is already shared with third parties such as ISPs and, in the case of Tor, anonymous node operators, and therefore such information is fair game for authorities. "

I should note I am not American but Canadian however we know many of these laws can effect us up here as well. How can your IP being shared with ISP's be an argument for no expectation of privacy? Who truly owns IPv4 addresses then? If using them is ground for forgoing privacy I think we need to really give another thought to the internet in its current form.
I wonder if someone was to hack the FBI network if they could use the same argument as a defense. They have no expectation of privacy when there IP is shared with ISP's. Or any government organization. I feel like this ruling serves to destroy the internet and everything it represents. While I do not advocate for the dark web, and have little desire for it I cant help but feel these types of acts regardless of the noble reason for it make that uncontrolled web a better place.
This level of policing would be no different then allowing law enforcement and government agencies the right to walk into your home as they see fit. No organization should have this level of power. I think the following quote from Benjamin Franklin really serves better in these changing times then it did back then.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither. He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security"

Benjamin Franklin

     I do believe these 3 letter government organizations  believe there doing what is right. I also believe sometimes there actions do a lot of good. The question that nags at me is at what cost? At what point does a groups good intentions become controlling? When they can operate without any rules then that power will ultimately corrupt the system. Sure there is always talk about outside overseers to monitor these groups. How much do they really get to see. It is no secret anymore with the Snowden leaks and many others that the ones who are there to oversee and protect us from our own power groups is just a feel good gesture more then effective body.

     Where will the line in the sand be drawn? How much privacy are you prepared to give up for a fabric of security that seems more like farm where we are the cattle penned in our own little paddock? I for one think the debate about law enforcement having the right to all decryption keys will come to a head very soon.

     My prediction for the future if we don't make a stand today will be simple. They will continue the cat and mouse game only until they can no longer bust current encryption. That will be the point where it will become illegal to use without being branded a criminal.

I for one love living in a Democracy and believe its worth fighting for. However it is starting to look like maybe we do live in the Matrix. The illusion of course is democracy, and if you discover this then you might find yourself in your own bit of trouble.

As always do not be afraid to challenge your mind!   

Sources used:

The fantastic article written by SC Magazine and there talented staff

The Ben Franklin quote

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