Wednesday 20 July 2016

Frustration day

     So In light of more recent events I have determined that we are losing something in today's workplace. Some maybe have not have heard of this little thing called Integrity. When did this happen that you could hold a door for someone just for them the slam the next one in your face so they get to be first in line?

What happened to cause a shift in what makes a model employee? Why does it seem like the ones who do the least work but suck up the best get ahead while those who work hard, push themselves and give up a huge part of themselves get held back.

We all know someone like that in the workplace. There the ones who always seem to have an answer to everything and the perfect excuse when things go wrong for why its not there fault. There the ones who come along when the work is done to happily bring it to the boss to look like the hero while distancing themselves things go bad. 

There the ones who shutdown at the end of the day with no willingness to help there fellow co-workers unless of course the boss is looking. These guys somehow get the better pay, perks and positions.
Where would the world be if we always had this mentality? How is it that business owners not see this?

What about a company that comes and asks you to go above and beyond your job for them but wont go above and beyond in pay. How many people have been asked to step up for there employer when times are tough, but when the times are good and you ask for money get met with excuses or conditions.

Where does integrity need to take a back seat. Many of us still hang on to this antiquated idea and refuse to let it go for anything. In the end that silly notion is going to leave you out in the cold and given just enough crumbs to keep you from starving.

The way I see it is this. You cannot make a good career working for someone and keep your integrity. So if you do not care how you get ahead then by all means go get a job where there are a lot of hard working folks you can trample to get ahead.
You want to work and keep your integrity and dignity your unfortunately going to need to work for yourself. If you do work for yourself then you also better keep your eyes open for that company man who clings to you and always seems to be around for the victory lap and not the race. Distance yourself from them because they will only be by your side as long as it serves them and gone when they get a better offer.

Always challenge your mind!  

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