Tuesday 12 July 2016

Pokemon Go Fever

Pokemon Go Fever

     So the new App Pokemon Go, although limited in the locations on its initial release have far surpassed I am sure the developers expectations. The basic concept involves exploring your natural world for Pokemon to add to your collection. I may not be a Pokemon person I certainly love the concept.
Unfortunately it also appears this app is quickly becoming a victim of its own early on success. Now the limited release locations have people trying many clever work arounds to try and get this game running in areas that are not yet supported. This of course opened the flood gates to all sorts of malware and exploits. 
Getting the software from untrusted sources to install on your device early has been one of the effective delivery modes for many types of mobile malware. This leaves your device exposed and your identity potentially compromised.

     The next part is the physical dangers that are now apparent with this neat little game. People are being lured into places where there being robbed and putting themselves at risk without giving it a second thought. This more then anything i find disturbing. This is a game so many are out there playing and many of these players are kids. 
This type of game is so clever I have even thought up many interesting app ideas that would use the great augmented reality I will call it. Social side of this could be fantastic. I envision an app where you can leave digital bread crumbs to lead others on a trail you like to walk. Or to a little romantic dinner for your love interest. The possibility of something like that would be limitless. The only problem i have besides not having the technical skill to write this program would be how do we educate people before they use it.
All good ideas like this will always attract undesirable people to try and exploit it for bad reasons. 

In the end this is a great way to get off your butt and have fun while doing it. If your safe I see this having potential and hope to see some more open games like this for non Pokemon fans.
Here are my few simple tips if your planning on getting the Pokemon fever,

1. If possible bring a friend with you on your adventure
2. Never venture into places that you otherwise would not feel safe to do so.
3. Private property is never a good place to play without permission

Last but not least. Trust your gut, If it feels unsafe it probably is.

Always challenge your mind!   

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