Monday 25 July 2016

Is that contract worth it?

     In today’s competitive market there is always a feeding frenzy that circles around many good contracts. This of course leads to bidding wars and not unintentionally either. Big businesses like this type of behaviour because it drives the cost for them down dramatically.

     However from my limited perspective when I see this vulture feeding session, I cannot help but feel like the customer is losing. If companies have to undercut the price down far enough to get the job then there unfortunately going to need to recover that cost from somewhere. Usually this will occur by rushing a job to completion in much less time then is required to ensure a proper job. These tight margins mean the job that was widdled down in price is now done incorrectly. Shortcuts were taken and less visible items were not done. 

     Now depending on what this job is that may not matter that much. Lets now pretend its something core to your business like your firewall. That piece of hardware your relying on to keep your data safe. Well sure you now have a firewall and it may be a top of line brand name firewall like Fortigate. Capable of protecting you like no other but there is a problem. Just because you have a state of the art firewall does not necessarily mean its actually doing anything. Maybe it has been setup just enough to pass through traffic with a handful of rules to make it look good but all those extra features you pay for in your annual service agreement are not being configured and used. The reason is not enough time and money in the budget for the job to be done properly.

     I guess in my mind I would rather not take those jobs because I would not want my company reputation based on that type of work. I would rather do 10 jobs really well then 50 thrown together ones. This method of work may seem like a good idea today. However I can assure you it only takes one data breach on that firewall you setup to ruin your reputation and leave you looking like the trunk slammers who give IT a bad name. Your reputation will land you the right jobs for your business without playing the price wars.

Always challenge your mind!  

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Frustration day

     So In light of more recent events I have determined that we are losing something in today's workplace. Some maybe have not have heard of this little thing called Integrity. When did this happen that you could hold a door for someone just for them the slam the next one in your face so they get to be first in line?

What happened to cause a shift in what makes a model employee? Why does it seem like the ones who do the least work but suck up the best get ahead while those who work hard, push themselves and give up a huge part of themselves get held back.

We all know someone like that in the workplace. There the ones who always seem to have an answer to everything and the perfect excuse when things go wrong for why its not there fault. There the ones who come along when the work is done to happily bring it to the boss to look like the hero while distancing themselves things go bad. 

There the ones who shutdown at the end of the day with no willingness to help there fellow co-workers unless of course the boss is looking. These guys somehow get the better pay, perks and positions.
Where would the world be if we always had this mentality? How is it that business owners not see this?

What about a company that comes and asks you to go above and beyond your job for them but wont go above and beyond in pay. How many people have been asked to step up for there employer when times are tough, but when the times are good and you ask for money get met with excuses or conditions.

Where does integrity need to take a back seat. Many of us still hang on to this antiquated idea and refuse to let it go for anything. In the end that silly notion is going to leave you out in the cold and given just enough crumbs to keep you from starving.

The way I see it is this. You cannot make a good career working for someone and keep your integrity. So if you do not care how you get ahead then by all means go get a job where there are a lot of hard working folks you can trample to get ahead.
You want to work and keep your integrity and dignity your unfortunately going to need to work for yourself. If you do work for yourself then you also better keep your eyes open for that company man who clings to you and always seems to be around for the victory lap and not the race. Distance yourself from them because they will only be by your side as long as it serves them and gone when they get a better offer.

Always challenge your mind!  

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Pokemon Go Fever

Pokemon Go Fever

     So the new App Pokemon Go, although limited in the locations on its initial release have far surpassed I am sure the developers expectations. The basic concept involves exploring your natural world for Pokemon to add to your collection. I may not be a Pokemon person I certainly love the concept.
Unfortunately it also appears this app is quickly becoming a victim of its own early on success. Now the limited release locations have people trying many clever work arounds to try and get this game running in areas that are not yet supported. This of course opened the flood gates to all sorts of malware and exploits. 
Getting the software from untrusted sources to install on your device early has been one of the effective delivery modes for many types of mobile malware. This leaves your device exposed and your identity potentially compromised.

     The next part is the physical dangers that are now apparent with this neat little game. People are being lured into places where there being robbed and putting themselves at risk without giving it a second thought. This more then anything i find disturbing. This is a game so many are out there playing and many of these players are kids. 
This type of game is so clever I have even thought up many interesting app ideas that would use the great augmented reality I will call it. Social side of this could be fantastic. I envision an app where you can leave digital bread crumbs to lead others on a trail you like to walk. Or to a little romantic dinner for your love interest. The possibility of something like that would be limitless. The only problem i have besides not having the technical skill to write this program would be how do we educate people before they use it.
All good ideas like this will always attract undesirable people to try and exploit it for bad reasons. 

In the end this is a great way to get off your butt and have fun while doing it. If your safe I see this having potential and hope to see some more open games like this for non Pokemon fans.
Here are my few simple tips if your planning on getting the Pokemon fever,

1. If possible bring a friend with you on your adventure
2. Never venture into places that you otherwise would not feel safe to do so.
3. Private property is never a good place to play without permission

Last but not least. Trust your gut, If it feels unsafe it probably is.

Always challenge your mind!   

Monday 4 July 2016

New Horizons

     New Horizons

Today mankind has made a tremendous leap.about 365 million miles at there closest kinda leap.
Seems like we just did a close flyby with Pluto. Data will be trickling in for years because of that. What makes this Juno probe so exciting is not the little Aluminum Lego figures though they do certainly provide a garnish to the whole project.

We put something in orbit around Jupiter. Our big gas ball that has captured our imagination for years. The red spot growing and fading, the red spot Jr. that paid a visit. What is going on underneath that hostile outer layer. What mysteries our waiting to turn are conventional minds upside down.

Over the next few years I am sure were going to learn a tremendous amount and be left with even more questions.

     As a boy I grew up with Star Wars and Star Trek where a journey around the solar system would have been nothing more then a quick jaunt around the block. The books I read made the universe seem so full of adventure and excitement. Now while those were just stories they still captured imaginations of millions. These are what we need to drive our race to a greater future . When we look inward were faced with countries isolating themselves, separating and building more barriers. These barriers serve to limit the human race like the dark ages more then help. We identify with labels for who we are. This person is gay, this person is lesbian. Or Muslim, black Hispanic and so many other labels I cant keep them all straight anymore.

Maybe the idea is to stop labeling ourselves into smaller groups and start labeling us all as humans, people of Earth. A race of people who by uniting together can conquer the stars and planets. These milestones like the Juno mission should remind each and every one of use that were not separated by borders, languages, religions and any other label we walk around with, but united by one big blue rock filled with an amazing civilization.

     Lets start looking outward to bigger adventures and stop holding the bus with so much separation. There are still many more planets our there we can be sending probes too. Many opportunities to even start our own space adventures out among our neighboring planets. If we can inspire and drive everyone to look beyond our little differences.

As always do not be afraid to challenge your mind!