Tuesday 14 June 2016

Virtual Reality VS Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality VS Augmented Reality

First I guess I will share what I consider to be the key points to both of these great new technologies!

Virtual Reality

     This one is really interesting. I think if you were to give it a quick glance the obvious main use is games. The gamers are going to keep this technology moving fast. They always drop a lot of money in these technologies to keep innovation going! 
Now for other uses for this amazing technology. I see this as a way to help mentally stimulate the elderly in nursing homes. Imagine linking a couple together and letting them enjoy a virtual cruise. Or a visit to some far away country to see landmarks and sites. All the while still in a safe and controlled environment.
A lot of the depressed states and moods of the elderly who are now losing a lot of there independence would quickly abate with the right stimulation.
Now also think of the value in the classrooms. Imagine just how engaged the kids would be to learn about history and geography if they were completely immersed in the various times and places. Museums would come to life just like in the movie "Night at the Museum".
  People could get together in virtual cafe's regardless of geographic location.

Its not hard to see all the places this technology could thrive and enhance the world we live in but what about Augmented Reality? 

Augmented Reality

     This one I feel has a very exciting future ahead of it. Starting with the obvious stuff like virtual TV's that appear anywhere you feel like watching something. virtual interfaces for your personal mobile devices appearing like floating holograms.
What about preparing a new meal and that recipe just there like a HUD for you to follow. Or not just follow but work beside a virtual chef to prepare new and exciting dishes with an expert guiding you.
Hands free driving use with maps that are always off to the side but visible without taking your eyes of the road.
Maybe your stuck on a handyman project and need an expert to guide you through the work? the virtual hands performing the motions in front of your eyes to ensure you understand the steps completely.
Also a great tool for education as well. Just imagine teaching the periodic table of elements and each kid being able to manipulate each element in there hand. To be able to study it easily from any angle.

Both of these technologies are often perceived as competing however i prefer to think of them as sitting in there own niche market. They both have so much to offer the world and in such a way that the areas they do overlap would be minimal. I would consider both of these technologies here to stay. You cant go wrong buying into either of them. 

As always do not be afraid to challenge your mind!  

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