Thursday 12 January 2017

I have no title for this one

I have no title for this one

     That moment when you see that person from across a room for the first time and you just know you want them in your arms. The first time your eyes locked and your heart skipped a beat, your stomach started churning like you got an instant flu. 

Everything inside gets shaky and weak when you approach them hoping to get that one dance. To have even just a few minutes holding them in your arms.

You don’t know it then but what started as a stolen glance would lead you to your closest dearest friend. Your true love and partner. Each day they are with you makes you truly feel like a king. This is the ultimate happiness and goal we all should strive towards.

As you get older you both find new and annoying habits in the other, but instead of getting angry you learn to love those quirks. Being apart even for a day is a challenge. You need them there with you just to feel whole. A love this strong only comes once in a lifetime and should never be taken for granted.

Sadly if you lose sight of what that love meant you will lose it. All those feelings you went through in the beginning come back to remind you its too late.

You feel a sickness deep inside you with no way to make it subside. You put that smile on to let them know you love them and want them to be happy. That’s because that is true love. Putting them before your own needs and wants. When you make them feel special and important even when there leaving. Letting them know you will always love them. Smile and supporting to the end. While leaving the moments of tears for the quiet dark of the night.

Much like many things in life we often become complacent until it is too late. Make sure you appreciate the special people in your life and let them know before its too late.  

Always challenge your mind!

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